Sunday, May 19, 2013

Corn Soup Pasta

Here’s a great way to use your leftover corn soup. Sometimes I’ll even make an extra batch just so I can make this recipe. It’s quick, fun, and delicious. It’s even quicker and still pretty tasty using instant corn soup, which is also very common in Japan.
Yield: 2 servings
Time: 15 minutes
  • 1 1/2 cup corn soup
  • 1/2 yellow onion (sliced)
  • 4 slices of ham (chopped)
  • 2 tbsp parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Boil pasta al dente
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan and saute onion for 3 minutes (or until soft)
  3. Add ham, stir for 2 minutes then add corn soup and heat until warm
  4. Add pasta to the soup and mix on low until warm
  5. Add parmesan cheese and salt and pepper to taste

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